Drink Only Calorie-Free Beverages




  • It’s easy to take in a lot of unwanted calories with drinks.

  • Most drinks don’t offer many nutrients or “add value” to our bodies.

  • If we try to drink only calorie-free beverages (such as water), we can automatically improve our nutrition and cut out excess energy intake.

  • If you consume alcohol, know that it isn’t necessarily “bad;” however, this habit will allow you to be more mindful of these types of choices.

  • This is what I call an “experimental habit:”

    • You will try drinking only calorie-free drinks for 2 weeks.

    • You will gather data and see what happens.

    • After 2 weeks, YOU get to decide what elements of this habit to keep in your routine.

  • This can be a somewhat challenging habit, so don’t get frustrated if you aren’t perfect! Just take it one day at a time.


How to be successful with this habit:

  • Recognize that this is a difficult habit. Only go as far as you are ready, willing, and able to go!

  • First, assess what and how much you are currently drinking (alcohol or other non-zero calorie beverages), and see where you might be able to substitute or change your choices.

  • Collaborate with me on what might be “a little bit better.” Ask me questions and let me know how this habit is working for you!

  • Simply pay more attention to drink intake and make simple substitutions where possible. Don’t worry about getting it “perfect”; just work on small changes.

  • As you feel more confident with this habit, try the “no calorie beverage challenge” for 2 weeks as an experiment.