Meet Sally

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Sally Mae Willoughby is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Group Fitness and Silver Sneakers Instructor, Certified Health Coach, and Precision Nutrition ProCoach.

Sally believes that everyone has the potential to rediscover their healthiest self with a little grit, hard work, consistency and accountability. Contact Coach Sally today for your free health consultation!


Hi there, Sally here. It's great to see you. I'm pumped for the opportunity to help you reach your health goals. I'm all about helping my clients discover their healthiest, happiest and strongest selves.

So, you're probably wondering how well online training really works. Maybe you've tried out endless fitness and nutrition programs only to quit them after a few weeks or months. What about fad diets like Atkins, Keto, Paleo, and the Ice Cream Diet ... okay, maybe that last one was a stretch. But guess what? That was me 5 years ago. I have been down that disappointing and devastating road so many times.

Thankfully, I was able to rediscover my own health, fitness and happiness with a combination of hard work, consistency, research, education, accountability, and believing in myself!

And now I want to share my keys for success with you...

In addition to my credentials (see above), I only use proven methods for success, utilizing the same tools for you that helped me to figure out what brings me true happiness and health. Not only will you receive your own, personalized fitness and nutrition plan, but you'll learn how to implement small, effective habits every day to push you towards achieving your long-term health and wellness goals. Signing up for my training and coaching services means wiping the dust off of your good intentions and turning them into real, achievable goals ... together.

The online training system I use is, hands down, the best program I have ever come across. This is not a sales gimmick – I wholeheartedly mean it. I personally use this system on a daily basis, and I believe it can be just as effective for you.

With my support, accountability and your daily effort, you will finally see real, lasting, sustainable results without having to count calories, go on fad diets and kill yourself at the gym.

Yeah, sounds too good to be true, right?

It’s not! The health and fitness world is full of noise and confusion, making it difficult to weed through the nonsense. I'm here to simplify your life. There's a lot of information out there, and while some of it is backed by science and research, a lot of it just adds to the difficulty of achieving goals. It's frustrating for me to see folks with good intentions fall off the wagon because they can't sustain diet or exercise programs.

My program is different. It's straightforward, and it's all about empowering you to be the amazing human you are.

Online fitness packages have become impersonal, and they often leave you with a lot of information (and questions) after your purchase. My services are different. While they are offered completely online, you are purchasing me (your personal trainer and coach) as a part of each package! I will be with you every step of the way to motivate you, hold you accountable to your work, and make sure you stay on track.

You may be asking yourself, "If your system is online and you are giving me all the info I need, why do I still need you to coach me?" Easy. I already know you are here for more than just the tools. What technology can never replace is the meaningful connections we make with human beings. And that’s where I come in! I will be checking in on you every week, holding you accountable while motivating you to achieve what you set out to do. My intention is to supply you with all the knowledge you need to support and guide you in becoming the best possible version of yourself.

I do this “work” because I love it, I believe in it, and I believe you.

I know we just met, but if you're reading this right now, you have the potential to change your life. And I want to help you harness it. Don't wait — take your first step to a healthier life and schedule your free consultation today. One conversation could change your life, and I’m ready to be the catalyst to your success.

— Coach Sally