Make Smart Carb Choices
Almost everyone benefits from having some carbohydrates in their diet.
“Smart carbs” are slower-digesting, higher-fiber, and nutrient-rich. These include foods like:
whole grains (e.g. brown or wild rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.)
beans and legumes
fruits and starchy vegetables (e.g. potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas and plantains, etc.)
This is a more challenging habit, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and do some experimenting with what works for you
How to be successful with this habit:
Remember to eat slowly until 80% full!
Understand that low-carb” is generally not ideal; most people look, feel, and perform better with some carbs in their diet, even if you’re trying to lose weight/fat!
It is important to note that not all carbs are created equally: slow-digesting, high-fiber, nutrient-rich “smart carbs” are a great nutritional choice and are NOT the same thing as processed sugars.
Review my “Smart Carbs” handout (under resources) to understand what types of foods you can enjoy
If you have a gluten allergy or are gluten intolerant, please let me know so I can help you find some substitutions!
Understand the appropriate portion size
- Women: 1 cupped handful per meal
- Men: 1-2 cupped handfuls