Celebrate Progress




  • Celebrating progress — no matter how small you might think it is — is crucial for motivation and ongoing commitment to your fit and healthy lifestyle.

  • Focus on how far you’ve come rather than how far you still think you have to go. Feel proud of EVERYTHING you have accomplished, big or small, and be inspired to keep climbing and achieving!


How to be successful with this habit:

  • Again, “finish strong,” regardless of how far along you think you are.

  • Notice and name any “shoulds” or disappointment you might feel during the next 2 weeks.

  • Remember, there is no “end point” in your own health, fitness, and life journey! You have all the tools and skills to continue being successful. This is a LIFESTYLE that you have created for yourself - congratulations!

  • Keep working hard. Focus on one thing at a time, one habit at at time. Slow and steady wins the race, and you have proven that!

End of Year Reflection Questions - What went well?

  • How did you change the most this past year?

  • What did you discover about yourself?

  • What was most challenging for you? What did that teach you?

  • What was most memorable for you? Why was it meaningful?

  • What tiny (or bit) steps can you celebrate from the past year?

  • What are you leaving behind in 2021?

  • What do you want more of this next year? Less of?

  • What will you regret not prioritizing in 2022

  • What theme or words do you want to guide you in 2022? Think of a phrase or theme you can return to and remind yourself during moments of stress, overwhelm, or uncertainty. Let that be your guiding light!

YOU SHOULD BE INCREDIBLY PROUD OF ALL YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED! Your dedication, commitment, and hard work will continue to guide your decisions/actions as you pursue your next goals. CONGRATULATIONS! I cannot wait to see what is in store for you.