Eat Slowly and Mindfully
Benefits of eating slowly:
Feeling in control of your eating, eating less, weight loss and/or management, improved mindfulness and awareness.
Convenience - eating slowly can be done anywhere, anytime, with any food, in any situation.
Allows you to naturally eat less and be more satisfied with your food.
Teaches hunger and fullness cues for long-term, sustainable success.
Helps to manage binge and emotional eating episodes brought on my stress, boredom, sadness, etc.
How to be successful with this habit:
- Notice and define your eating speed. Understand how this affects what you eat and how much.
- Set your utensils down between each bite.
- Take a sip of water between bites.
- Take a breath or two between bites.
- You may even choose to use a timer to add 5 or 10 minutes to your normal eating time!
- Check in before and after your meals to see how you are feeling mentally and physically.