Stacie’s Workout Program

Week Of January 02
Training Days: Monday, WEdnesday, and Saturday
Training TimeS: 6:30AM

Week 1, Phase 1: Workout A - Full Body
Monday, January 02

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Resistance Bands with handles, Mat, & Bench

Cardio/Warm-up (:30/:10)

  1. Marching

  2. High Knees

  3. Bodyweight Squats

  4. Mini Squat hops

  5. Hinge to Toe Tap

  6. X-Jumps

  7. Reverse Lunges

  8. Lunge Jumps

  9. Step Jacks

  10. Jumping Jacks

  11. Ab Bikes

  12. Russian Twist

  13. Plank Step Ins

  14. Mountain Climbers

Back and Biceps (:40/:20)

  1. 25lb Bent-over Row

  2. Bicep Curl to Press Out

  3. Upright Row

  4. Lat Raise to ATW Raise

Booty (:40/:20)

  1. Banded Squats

  2. Side Steps

  3. Glute Bridge with Hip Abduction

  4. Fire Hydrants

Core (:60/:20)

  1. Lying Alt. Bent-Knee Crutch

  2. Leg Raises with Abduction

  3. Double Crunch Leg Lower

  4. Alt. 3-point Plank Knee to Elbow