February Challenge - Week 4

“Remember your Why”

Week 4

DAY 20
Monday, February 20th

CORE (5 minutes)

*Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, resting as little as possible between exercises. Complete 1 to 2 rounds.


  1. Cocoon

  2. Low Flutters

  3. Straight Leg Scissors

  4. Supported V-ups

  5. Reverse Crunch

  6. Dolphin Plank

  7. Commandos

  8. Low Plank Alternating Knee to Chest

  9. Plank Glute Kick

  10. Hollow Hold Oblique Crunch

Week 4

DAY 21
Tuesday, February 21st

Strength day (10 MINUTES)

*Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, resting for 20 seconds between each exercise. Complete 1 rounds of each circuit


  1. Dumbbell Sumo Squat to Upright Row

  2. Glute Bridge Dumbbell Chest Press

  3. Plank Dumbbell Row

  4. Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge to Shoulder Press

  5. DB Supine Bent-over Row


  1. Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge to DB Curl

  2. Dumbbell Sumo Squat

  3. Dumbbell Lateral Lunge to Upright Row (right side)

  4. Dumbbell Lateral Lunge to Upright Row (left side)

  5. Dumbbell Tuck Crunch

Week 4

DAY 22

Wednesday, February 22nd

OH My core - throwback workout (10 Minutes)

*Complete each exercise for 40 seconds. Complete 1 to 3 rounds.


  1. Glute Bridge to Oblique Twist (:40 each side)

  2. Knee Tuck to Straight Leg Crunch

  3. Glute Kick to Knee to Elbow (:40 each side)

  4. Slow Scissors

  5. Penguins

  6. V Crunch

  7. Forearm Plank Row

  8. Supported V Sit with Alternating Leg Raise

  9. Forearm Plank with Alternating Glute Bridge

Week 4

DAY 23
Thursday, February 23rd

Tabata (4 to 8 MINUTES)

*Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, resting for 10 seconds between each exercise. Complete 2 total rounds.

TABATA x 2 Rounds

  1. Dumbbell Ladders

  2. Plank Jacks

  3. Ab Bikes

  4. X-Jumps

Week 4

DAY 24
Friday, February 24th

Core circuit (10 MINUTES)

Sally WilloughbyComment