Week 1 - Stronger Together Workouts
Week 1 - Stronger Together Workouts
Week 1 Workouts
We will get through this together!
To help cover the costs of planning and filming my daily workout videos, I am now accepting donations. 10% of all proceeds will be donated to the Covid-19 Response Fund for WHO. Donations support WHO’s work to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests, and treatments.Any amount is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your generosity and being a part of this wonderful community!
Full Body HIIT
1. A chair or other elevated surface
2. Mat
3. Water
*Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, resting for 10-15 between each. Complete 1-2 rounds, resting 60-90 seconds between rounds.
Bodyweight squats or squat jumps
Butt kickers
Chair or seated tricep dips
Tall Plank Knee to Elbow (:45 each side)
Forearm Plank Punches
*Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, resting for 10-15 between each. Complete 1-2 rounds, resting 60-90 seconds between rounds.
Through lunges or reverse lunges
Sea Turtles
Plyo or regular push ups
Single Leg Glute Bridge (elevate with chair)
Low Core Leg Flutters
*Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, resting for 10-15 between each. Complete 1-2 rounds, resting 60-90 seconds between rounds.
Single Leg Jackknife or Knee tuck (each side)
Russian Twist
Bird Dog Plank
Mountain Climbers
Forearm Plank
Plank Jacks
Upper Body and Core Strength…with a Booty Burner Finisher
1. A chair or other elevated surface
2. Dumbbells or anything with a little weight (wine bottles, bean cans, salsa jars, etc.)
3. Mat
4. Water
*Perform each exercise in the superset back to back for a total of 2-3 rounds of 12-15 repetitions. Choose a weight that gives you a good challenge on the last 1-2 reps but allows you to maintain quality form. Rest 30-90 seconds between sets but as little as possible between exercises.
1a. Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (Variation: lateral dumbbell raises as an alternative for those with shoulder injuries)
1b. Dumbbell 1.5 rows
*Perform each exercise in the superset back to back for a total of 2-3 rounds of 12-15 repetitions. Choose a weight that gives you a good challenge on the last 1-2 reps but allows you to maintain quality form. Rest 30-90 seconds between sets but as little as possible between exercises.
1a. Cross-over Pushups - 12-15 each side (Variation: kneeling or wall pushups or dumbbell standing chest press)
1b. Plank Renegade Row - 12-15 each side (Variation: bear crawl stance row or bent-over alternating row)
*Perform each exercise in the superset back to back for a total of 2-3 rounds of 12-15 repetitions. Choose a weight that gives you a good challenge on the last 1-2 reps but allows you to maintain quality form. Rest 30-90 seconds between sets but as little as possible between exercises.
1a. Bicep Curl to Upright Row - 12-15 each
1b. Weighted Sit-up (Variation: Weighted Dead bugs)
*Complete 1-2 rounds on each leg
Perform 10 weighted elevated or regular split squats on your right side, then go directly into 10 bodyweight split squats on that same side, and finish strong with 10 bodyweight split squat pulses. Repeat on the other side. Complete 1-2 round of this finisher for a leg and booty burner!
Cardio & Core Work it Circuit!
1. Mat
2. Water Bottle
3. Positive Attitude :)
*Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, resting as little as possible between each exercise. Repeat circuit 1-3 times. Ready, set, sweat!
Jumping Jacks
Ice Skaters (Variation: lateral lunges)
3-2-1 Jump Squats (Variation: sumo squats)
Low Plank Glute Kicks
Side Plank Hip Dip (right side)
Side Plank Hip Dip (left side)
Horizontal Ab Scissors
Leg Lift with Pulse
Lying Knee Tuck
Hollow Body Hold or Boat Pose
Squat with Knee Twist
Stretch and Breathe!
1. Mat
2. Water Bottle
Life is strange right now, am I right? Let’s take a moment to breathe and love up on our bodies. Recovery and mindfulness is just as, if not more, important as your normal workouts. It gives our muscles the time to repair. It allows our minds to relax and reset. Today, let’s find a little stillness and relaxation to help us navigate through this crazy thing called life. Thank you for following along. I am tremendously grateful for our community and the ability to connect virtually.
Choose your own adventure!
Enjoy your weekend! Choose your own adventure - yoga, hiking, biking, walking, jogging, full blown rest day, etc. Whatever you decide, just make sure it’s something you enjoy. The more often you choose to do activities you love, the more likely you are to stick to your physical activity goals. Have a blast, and don’t forget to share what you did for your “Sunday Funday” in the Stronger Together Accountability Facebook Group!