Healthy Habits
Did you know that implementing small, daily habits can lead to big, lifelong results?
Through these bi-weekly habits you will learn how to add simple, healthy actions to your daily routine. These habits have been chosen systematically and strategically by Coach Sally to help you reach your most pressing health and fitness goals!
1. Eat Slowly and Mindfully
2. Stop Eating at 80% Full
3. Eat Lean Protein with Each Meal
4. Eat at Least 5 Servings of Colorful Vegetables/Fruit
5. Make Smart Carb Choices
6. Eat Healthy Fats
7. Plan Healthy, Balanced Meals
8. Record What You Eat
9. Create and Use a Sleep Ritual
10. Drink only Calorie-Free Beverages
11. Break Week
12. Use a Targeted Recovery Strategy
13. Eat Whole Foods Only
14. A Little More, A Little Better
15. Protein and Colorful Plants at Each Meal
16. Practice 80% Full
17. Do a 5-Minute Mind Body Scan
18. Take a Fitness Information Vacation
19. 20 Minutes of De-stressing
20. Create and Practice your Fitness Mission
21. Choose Your Own Adventure
22. Finish Strong
23. Celebrate Progress
24. Spread the Love, Pay it Forward
(( Keep scrolling to explore all habits))